Hi, my name is Niklas.
I’m a master’s student at the Technical University of Munich, currently writing my final thesis. My studies of Management & Technology are an interdisciplinary mixture of business administration and engineering science. Since my 3rd bachelor semester, I have been specializing in the Finance & Accounting major, as well as in the Informatics minor.
I have always been fascinated by the world of finance – from the ups and downs of the stock market, to big, renowned institutions such as investment banks and hedge funds. But deep down, I am still some kind of nerd that likes to build his own PC & keyboards, follows the latest metaverse trends and wants to toy around with elaborate machine learning models.
Luckily, I do not have to compromise anymore between these two worlds ever since I have stumbled upon the field of Quantitative Finance, combining exactly what interests and fascinates me the most – finance & tech. I have since made it my personal learning journey and I am continuously educating myself within this domain.
I decided to create this website as some kind of personal archive where I want to document my latest research, understanding and coding adventures. So, feel free to look around and leave me a comment or message if something that I wrote struck your interest.
Cheers, Niklas